
For the fourth time we invite the most interesting speakers-practitioners and professionals, who will tell about developments, trends, technologies and solutions of robotics.

Frank McCrum

Frank McCrum

Manufacturing Engineering Manager

Frank will make a presentation on: « Innalabs Inertial Sensors in Autonomous Vehicles»

Andrey Neznamov

Andrey Neznamov

Head of the Research Center for Problems in Regulation of Robotics and AI (ANO Robopravo)

Andrey will make a presentation on: "The impact of regulation on the development of robotics: foreign experience and Russian prospects."

Alexey Bogdanov

Alexey Bogdanov

Сhief technical designer of the NGO "Android Technology"

Alexey will make a presentation on: "Why are there no «real» exoskeletons yet...

Christian Bermes

Christian Bermes

Professor for Automation and Mechatronics, Institute for Lab Automation and Mechatronics (ILT), HSR University of Applied Sciences.

Bermes will make a presentation on "Participation in Cybathlon - how does the success happen".

Alice Konyuhovskaya

Alice Konyuhovskaya

Vice-President of the NAUUR (National Association of the robotics market participants)

Alice will make a presentation on "Robotics in Russia - Myths and Reality".

Luca Bongulielmi

Luca Bongulielmi

Head of Business Management EMEA, maxon motor group

PhD. Luca will make a presentation on "Industry 4.0 in practice - Real and Digital factory: How to handle 10 36 variants within 11 days delivery time».